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The Zen Balancing Act
XLR Balanced to RCA transformer

Not what it seems . . .

Far from an XLR to RCA converter... the ZBIT is a fully balanced XLR to RCA dual-mono transformer.​
If you are thinking about an XLR to RCA cable or adapter, it will ground one side of the balanced signal leaving the other half left for your RCA jack. This only sounds ok until you hear a ZBIT and then by comparison sounds broken.
With a ZBIT (Zen Balanced Input Transformer), the balanced signal is never unbalanced, the voltage is not halved, and the output level is fully adjustable.
Most balanced sources are between 3.5 ~ 11 volts compared to RCA that is typically 2 volts. Having this extra voltage on tap is like free gain. It is like having a preamp. With it you can structure the source gain against your preamp gain or even run the ZBIT directly into your amplifier using the output level control as a volume/gain control.
This is about transparency , dimensionality & density. Many customers are buying the ZBIT just to supercharge their DAC/Streamer by using the ZBIT from the XLR outputs to create a new set of devastating RCA outputs that are so much better sounding than the stock RCA outputs that you would never believe it's the same source.​​
Available in two models

The ZBIT1 is our original model with a single pair of XLR inputs and your choice of single or dual level controls. Shown left is a single level control that controls the output level (volume) of both channels.


The ZBIT2 is new in 2025 adding a second pair of XLR inputs and a rotary selector switch. Shown left the input selector is centered with level controls for each channel.

ZBITS can be built with any of the following knobs...

Knob types: Ebony, Black, Gold, Cream chickenhead, Black chickenhead, Rosewood

Weight - 6 lbs. ea.
Dimensions - 2.5" H x 6" W x 10.5" D
Circuit type - Wideband transformers
Input voltage - 0 ~ 15 volts max
Input Impedance - 13 K Ohms
Will Drive Preamps or amplifiers with input impedances of 10K ~ 200K
Noise / Hum -107dB
Response 5 Hz ~ 90 kHz
Warranty - Lifetime to original owner
We sell our products wholesale direct and all support is in house. Support is not only a phone call or email away at any time, but when you purchase this unit you join a huge family of customers who also own one and enjoy supporting each other on our audio forum!
ZB ITS are hand-built to order. The waiting time is less than our amplifiers, usually 6 months.
"I hooked my DAC up via the RCA jacks like most people probably do, and getting what I thought was great sound. I actually got the ZBIT so that I could listen to my tape machine which only has balanced XLR outputs. The ZBIT worked great with the tape machine, but then I decided to try it on my DAC, which also has XLR outputs and I was simply STUNNED at what happened. I'm not exaggerating when I say it made my DAC sound twice as good... I just couldn't believe how much weight and density the sound got, and the imaging has never been this good. The DAC now sounds as good or better than my tape machine so I put it back in the closet."
- Robert Z

This item comes with a lifetime warranty to the original owner.